Thursday, 25 September 2014

Week 10, Term 3

Room 1

Welcome to week 10.  The last week of term 3!

On Thursday we got to travel in a bus all the way to Western Springs College to watch a special dance by Pacific Dance.  They had taught us how to do the Sasa earlier in the term and now we got to watch them dance.

First we lined up outside room 5, ready to go.

Then we had to walk to the bus stop to catch a big blue bus to Western Springs.

It was a bit of a squash on the bus but we saw lots of cool things along the way, like the Sky Tower!

We finally arrived at our destination.

It was a very dark room that we walked into.  We all got to sit on a red seat.  Miss Rushbrook had to sit on the floor!

Now it as time for the show to start.  It was amazing.  There were lots of guys and girls doing awesome dancing. 

Near the end of the show we got to get up and try out our dancing too.  Some of the Kowhai team even went up onto the stage.

Well that's all for term 3, have an awesome holiday and we will be back in term 4 :)

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Week 9, Term 3

Room 1

Welcome to week 9.  This week Aashine and Omar started School.

On Thursday it was the big day, we finally got to perform our dance to our families.  It was so much fun! 


See you next week. the last week of term 3!

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Week 8, Term 3

Room 1

Welcome to week 8.  This week Jennifer started School.

On Tuesday it was our big day, our performance day!  We got to finally do our dance in front of the whole School.  It was a bit scary, there were a lot of people watching.  But we had practiced lots and we did an awesome dance.  We definitely answered our question:
How do we move when we dance?
Check out our best freeze frame poses.

We hope everyone liked our dance, we enjoyed watching all the other classes perform across the School.

On Thursday 18 September we get to perform our dance to our families.  We get to be superstars on stage again!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Week 7, Term 3

Room 1

Welcome to week 7.  This week Jester started School. 

On Wednesday afternoon we had a special assembly hosted by the Revolution crew.  It was about how we can make a change when it comes to bullying.  There was singing, dancing and acting.  It was fun and we learnt a lot about how to look after our friends and who to talk to if we need help.

Check out our dancing

On Friday we had a mufti day to celebrate Tongan language week.  We look pretty cool.  We had a photo with room 23 and Miss S.

Have a good weekend.